Recommended To Eat: No
Can thrive in an aquaponic system
Long life span
Great resistance against common parasites
aquaponics fish speciesThe Koi was developed from common carp in Japan, and are part of the same family. They vary greatly in coloration, patterns and scalation, which has made them popular for ornamental purposes.
The Koi is a durable fish species, and have a strong resistance against many common parasites. They also have a very long life span.
Koi are an omnivorous type of fish so they have a varied diet including peas, lettuce, watermelon, algae and other fishes. Though they are great for aquaponics, proper oxygenation and off-gassing is vital in winter months and small ponds.
Although Koi can be eaten, they tend to have very large scales which need to be removed and are bony. They’re also usually more expensive than other carps, and there are other fishes that are tastier and easier to prepare.